

Astoria Analyzer_301D+302D+303A+305D

카달로그다운 견적문의 목록으로


Astoria Analyzer_301D+302D+303A+305D

Astoria Analyzer_301D+302D+303A+305D (Autoanalyzer system)

The optional Model 301D carousel sampler with dual matrix capabillity.


302D - Multi-channel peristaltic pump

The 302D is a peristaltic pump with 36 pump tube positions, with an option to upgrade it to 42 pump tube positions.

This pump can be computer controlled, allowing the operator to adjust pump speed as making use of some of the timed-events features of FASPac2. 


303A - Cartridge Base

The 303A model is base for your analytical cartridges. The 303A can be fitted with heat bath controllers that have easy-to-use touch-button controls for methods that require reactions to occur at above room temperature.


The 305D Digital Detector provides MDL’s of less than 1 ppb for most tests. In addition to low detection limits, the number of off-scale samples can be dramatically reduced due to the expanded range capabilities of the 305D. Using the traditional regulatory-approved continuous flow methodology, dependable results are generated every time. Quick Start Up and Results Loading samples on the sampler tray is the hardest part. After that, the Astoria Analyzer takes it from there with no need for operator involvement. Results appear on the screen in 15-20 minutes. Complicated chemistries, those requiring on-line dialysis, incubation and multiple reagent additions, can run at 90-120 samples per hour. And with the Astoria Analyzer variable speed Micropump, fast rinse out of reagents allows for a quick changeover between cartridges.